About Me


I’m Chris Allan, a general computer nerd. I enjoy developing computer stuff (and never finishing anything), games, gadgets, and lurking on Twitter. Occasionally I go outside and spend a crazy amount of time cleaning my car, taking pictures, and trying not to kill my lawn through neglect.


I have spent most of my work-life developing web applications from the ground up (frontend, backend, databases, server stuff, hardware stuff) in a LAMP stack. I’ve even done Windows stuff.

I started work as a student-worker learning the ins-and-outs of a large Microsoft AD network, learning how to do sysadmin-y things like group policy and work with Server 03/08. In addition to all that, started work with interacting with LDAP through PHP (which was neat!).

I moved on to do part-time web development working solo on a building a large application from the ground up, which is still used to this day (almost 10 years). Configured server and its services, database, backend, and frontend to get things going.

From there I moved into teaching for a relatively short stint, teaching computer animation & other computery things. I still worked on previously built applications and new sites on the side while this was going on.

After teaching, I worked as a senior programmer for three years maintaining a large swath of legacy web apps and tools, servers, and developing new web applications for the district I taught in.

I am currently a developer for an e-commerce company out in the world doing new and fun things in a full remote position – literally living the dream.